Honeycomb Apartments
Izola, Slovenia
Ofis Arhitekti
About Honeycomb Apartments • Located on the coast of Izola, Slovenia. This seaside structure appeals to young, small families and couples. • There was increased need for small, affordable housing for these young families. • Constructed for low-income residency. • The concept of a rhythmic beehive was an attempt to foster community by paralleling the drive of worker bees in the hive, but was unsuccessful. • The Honeycomb Housing Complex brings together people of similar backgrounds, and social and economic standing in one building, but gives them no reason to interact or form a community. • The staggered elevations of the balconies is successful for creating private space between neighbors.
Slovenia's Past Housing Challenges • By end of 1980s housing inefficient • Home ownership based on favorable credit • Home ownership in urban areas were not affordable, over priced for most people • Rental units affordable, but scarce • cost to construct & maintenance was higher than the rental cost • housing shortages underestimated
Maritime Youth House
Copenhagen, Denmark
Bjarke Ingels Group
About Maritime Youth House • Scandinavian architecture has been one that increases its program for years. The architects continually try to combine many public places into one functional whole. • This architecture focuses on form and functionality, and inspiration. • The Maritime Youth House was a special challenge because it was essential that the space focused on two clients: a sailing club and a Children’s center. • Some important programming issues were giving the children enough safe space to play and also allowing mooring space for the boats. • Another issue was the site. The site of the construction was riddled with polluted topsoil, which the architects ingeniously decided to build over. • The architects decided to build a large, elevated wooden deck over the contaminated land, allowing a sprawling space for the children to play and openings underneath for the boats to moor. • The gently sloping deck fosters community by allowing a great space for the children and center supervisors to interact. • Indirectly, the space allows sailing club members to interact with the Youth House as well by keeping them connected. • The fascinating deck serves as the focal point of the project. It is unexpected, inviting, and draws many people to come enjoy the space together.
Citations Mandic, S., & Rop, T. New housing challenges in Slovenia Cities, Volume 10, Issue 3, August 1993, Pages 237-245 http://libproxy.uncg.edu:2100/science?_ob=ArticleListURL&_method=list&_ArticleListID=1194305163&_sort=d&_st=1&_acct=C000033084&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=628623&md5=1d564b65dd568f26608ac2f6a34e08ee Paulsson, Thoman. Scandinavian Architecture. 1st. Bristol, England: Western Printing Services Ltd., 1959. 239-244. Print. Lobodzinska, Barbara. Family, Women, and Employment In Central-Eastern Europe. 1st. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1995. 230-231. Print.
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